måndag 29 april 2019

The Copenhagen apocalypse - now on video

The previously announced panel discussion at the IT University of Copenhagen on the topic of "AI: Are we heading for the apocalypse?" with Christiane Vejlø (moderator), Thore Husfeldt and myself took place last Thursday (April 25) and is now available on video. Enjoy!

tisdag 9 april 2019

The European Commission's Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI

In January I commented on a draft version of the Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI prepared by the European Commission's High Level Expert Group (HLEG) on AI. The final version of the Guidelines was officially released yesterday.

I strongly recommend the candid and sincere reflections on the Guidelines by HLEG member Thomas Metzinger in an op-ed in Der Tagesspiegel. Thomas and I collaborated a bit on preparing some writings in the Guidelines (albeit unsuccessfully as regards what actually ended up in the final version) towards the end of HLEG's work on them. I share his disappointment about how the Guidelines turned out, and I agree with his remarks about "ethical white-washing" and how "industry organizes and cultivates ethical debates to buy time – to distract the public and to prevent or at least delay effective regulation and policy-making", as well as with his balanced statements that the Guidelines are "a compromise of which I am not proud, but which is nevertheless the best in the world on the subject. The United States and China have nothing comparable" and that
    their legal anchoring in European fundamental values is excellent, and the first selection of abstract ethical principles is at least acceptable. Only the genuine normative substance at the level of long-term risks, concrete applications, and case studies has been destroyed.
In the final paragraphs of the op-ed Thomas emphasizes the urgency of the situation:
    The first step is good. But it is high time that universities and civil society recapture the process and take the self-organized discussion out of the hands of industry.

    Everyone is feeling it: We are in a rapid historical transition that is taking place at many levels simultaneously. The window of opportunity within which we can at least partially control the future of AI and effectively defend the philosophical and ethical foundations of European culture will close in a few years' time. We must act now.

torsdag 4 april 2019

Några videor i vilka jag pratar AI

Sedan en kort tid tillbaka är jag ordförande i den AI-etikkommitté som Chalmers Artificial Intelligence Research Centre (CHAIR) inrättat. Här en kort videosnutt där jag säger några ord om vad det hela går ut på:

När jag ändå håller på och visar videor med mig själv i huvudrollen kan jag passa på att bjuda på en lika kort intervjusnutt inspelad i samband med det heldagsmöte rubricerat Ansvarsfull teknisk utveckling – AI, robotik och etik som Vetenskapsrådet (VR) anordnade i Stockholm den 8 mars i år:

Här mitt föredrag från samma möte:

Och här den paneldiskussion som avslutade VR:s möte och som jag också medverkade i: