torsdag 17 maj 2018

An open letter to Google

Dear Google,

I recently became aware of Project Maven, in which you assist the Pentagon in applying cutting-edge AI technology to give military drones the ability to identify humans. And I thought this is as good a time as any to remind you of these little words of wisdom: Don't be evil.

Let me repeat:


With kind regards,

Olle Häggström
Concerned world citizen

3 kommentarer:

  1. PS.
    In case you need some help in working out what "Don't be evil" may entail in practice, let me offer my recent paper Vetenskap på gott och ont as some food for thought. It's in Swedish, but I happen to know that translation is one of your specialties, so I don't expect that to be a problem.

    From that paper, let me quote the following passage, which concerns the tempting (in situations such as yours with respect to Project Maven) and oft-repeated argument "There are no good or evil technologies, only good or evil ways to apply them":

    "Att med den svepande tankegången undandra sig allt ansvar för huruvida ens forskning skulle kunna leda exempelvis till en situation där terrorister har tillgång till en förödande kraftfull teknologi, svår för samhället att försvara sig emot, duger enligt min mening inte alls. Jag vill knappt ens kalla det en tankegång; snarare är det att betrakta som ett simpelt slagord avsett för att slippa tänka obekväma tankar."

    In my own translation:

    "To take that sweeping thought as an excuse to withdraw from responsibility for whether, for instance, ones research might lead to a situation where terrorists have access to a devastatingly poswerful technology, hard for society to defend against, will not do. Perhaps I should not even call it a thought - rather, it is just a oneliner used to avoid having to think inconvenient thoughts."


    1. Jag har egentligen som en del av min modereringspolicy att inte släppa igenom kommentarer som består av enbart en URL-adress och inget mer, men eftersom du är stamgäst här så låter jag det passera för den här gången...
